“The ability to provide individualized support to the technique and services was quite refreshing. Although the AAS typical client is a university, it was comforting to know that as a fraternal organization we were able to individualize and tailor to our members and needs.”

“We’re excited about the initial results of our survey and all the support and counsel we received from the staff at the Alumni Attitude Study has been crucial for a successful launch! It is our first survey since 2004 and we knew we needed to be selective about the standards of technology we used given how savvy our alumni have become when it comes to online opinion polls. We definitely made the right choice. I look forward to the final results.”

“Thank you again for all your hard work and energy on our recent Alumni Attitude Survey. From start to finish, the AAS staff was a great team to work with and I really appreciate the dedication, time and energy put into our project. The final presentations went very well and we have received some great feedback from our campus leadership teams.”

“It has certainly been a pleasure working with the staff at PEG, Ltd. The Alumni Attitude Study was an excellent way of surveying our alumni. We were pleased (and surprised in some cases) with the results of our survey. We will certainly keep PEG, Ltd. in mind when we conduct future surveys.”

“I still actively use the data – as does the Alumni Board – and it has been immensely helpful in planning and executing new strategies and programming – all resulting in success thus far in growing participation rates in attendance and giving.”

“I just wanted to thank you again for the great presentation! You always make material that could be dry come to life. In our National Alumni Board committee meetings, many of the members kept quoting stats from the survey or mentioning something you said about the survey/stats. They obviously got a lot out of the presentation! You are a great team!”

“The presentation of our findings was very well received and people on campus are reaching out every day to talk further about it. Rob Shoss was fantastic!”

“The Alumni Attitude Study may be the most important planning exercise we have engaged in. It was thorough and practical in approach and performance. It has generated a multitude of great ideas for moving our association forward, and it validated what many of us had been thinking for some time about the direction we need to take.”

“The findings from our Study definitely provided us with a unique approach to better communications and understanding of how to engage our alumni. Choosing the onsite presentation was incredibly valuable to our Alumni Board as they work to finalize a strategic plan for the alumni association. Rob and the team did a great job and we love working with PEG!”

“When Lafayette College decided to invest time and resources in doing a pulse survey of our alumni, our research made it clear that the Alumni Attitude Study was the most comprehensive and effective tool available to us. PEG did an excellent job of taking us through the process, advising us on how to maximize our response rate, interpreting results, and providing guidance on next steps. The AAS gave us tangible data on alumni opinions about their experiences both as students and alumni, as well as insight into our communications methods. Prior to the AAS, we only had anecdotal comments of our most vocal alumni to go on. PEG was able to summarize the hard data in a way that allowed us to immediately begin a plan of action. The information gained from the Alumni Attitude Study will be beneficial to a wide variety of departments across campus, and we anticipate using this new knowledge to better meet the needs of our 28,000 alumni.”

“We reviewed several survey processes when selecting a vendor for our law school alumni. No other vender was able to describe the controls used to make sure the survey results were credible. Even with assurances that comparables on response rates and elsewhere would help increase confidence in the findings, some staff and volunteer leaders remained skeptical. After the presentation of results however those skeptics turned into advocates and have insisted on additional presentations to key groups. We have been able to prioritize development efforts and know that we are addressing the right issues for alumni across age groups.”

“There were several benefits realized: the first and most important benefit is that it gave our alumni an opportunity to respond to a University request for feedback on how we can improve the educational journey at Mercer thereby emphasizing to alumni that we care about their feedback. This strengthened alumni support of the University and showed that we really care about how they felt about their Mercer experience. While we have always said we appreciate alumni input, this demonstrated that we really do care about their input. It reinforces that there is power in partnership. It provided valuable information on a variety of topics to a wide range of alumni in an affordable and efficient process- something that would be very difficult for us to do.”

“The Alumni Attitude Study provided our institution with useful data that helped restructure our membership and alumni programs as well as allowed us to create and implement a strategic plan to fulfill our alumni’s needs.”

“The Alumni Attitude Study was money well spent by our Alumni Association. It gave us great benchmarks, and more importantly, a plan of action for meeting the needs of our alumni.”

“The Study provided us with a baseline of data to compare and chart over time. This is essential to the strategic planning phase and the results helped us develop plans that would engage our alumni and confirm the benefits of our “next step” initiatives.”

“The information provided by the AAS research was very helpful to us in updating our strategic plan and developing efforts to enhance our alumni engagement.”

“This is the perfect time for us to have done this research. With budget cuts looming, we can use our alumni input to eliminate programs that are less productive or of less interest to our alumni. More importantly, we can focus our efforts directly on the things that have the most opportunity to engage our alumni during these critical times.” “Over the years we have done some things to better understand what our alumni want but never with the level of sophistication and skill as this process. I wish we had done this work 10 years ago. “

“Since doing The Alumni Attitude Study and implementing the results, we have seen an increase in participation from our alumni. Our alumni were impressed that we took the initiative to research their perspectives and implement the findings.”

“The Alumni Attitude Study that PEG, Ltd. produced for East Carolina Alumni Association allowed us to focus our time, energy and resources on those programs that could make a real difference for our alumni.”

“In my former life as a corporate executive, I heard dozens and dozens of these kinds of attitude surveys. Too often, we got raw data – no helpful analysis on what we ought to learn from the data. You presented ‘actionable research.’ We’ll make good use of it.”

“The Alumni Attitude Survey results have helped provide a baseline analysis for Oregon State University and the alumni association. OSU’s survey results also helped inform the refresh of our strategic plan and guide many of our initiatives and much of our focus. ”

“The Alumni Attitude Study is a vital part of implementing our strategic plan which is transforming our alumni program into a new business model. The findings have provided us the information we need to effectively and efficiently engage our alumni (and future alumni) through geographic and era segmentation.”

“The Alumni Attitude survey has been an invaluable tool in helping us get to the heart of what our alumni are thinking and where they are coming from. The information we learned from the survey has been instrumental in shaping the strategic direction of our programming and has provided us with a better understanding on how to more effectively communicate with our constituents.”